Sunday, March 16, 2008

Modern Version Of MIlitary Equipments

There seems to be a lot of competition for advanced fighter aircraft in the world, as the military arms business is alive and well. Most modernized nations can attribute a significant part of the GDP to the selling of weapons, aircraft, warships, etc. The Russians are in partnership with a few nations to help with the logistics of building fighter aircraft. The Russians then sell these aircraft to anyone who will buy them. The Chinese are selling long-range guided missiles, capable of delivering nuclear weapons across continents.

In the European Union, they sell the modern Euro Fighters amongst several popular late model aircraft. The USA sells F-15s, F-18s, F-16s and now has a available the JSF stealth fighter, which is available to our close allies. Now comes the question, are nation-states who are serious about military defense buying these new aircraft to appease trading partners and form alliances or are they buying them because they are the best available piece of hardware?

This is an interesting question as some nations are buying modernized Su-37 aircraft, which by all accounts is much inferior to the JSF aircraft made in the USA. Many countries without significant funds buy the inferior aircraft to save money, yet in reality, they are no match for the JSF. In fact, the stealth aircraft is almost impossible to detect and most likely would have already launched its payload prior to being seen, therefore killing its multiple inferior targets, before they even knew what hit them.

One question which was recently raised by the Online Think Tank is; why would any nation want to buy aircraft that makes them a sitting duck? Is it out of ego, that their military leadership or politicians can say look - we have the most number of fighter aircraft? Is it out of the need to buy weapons to stay on a nation's good list or are they buying the aircraft to defend their people? Only one answer would satisfy a true military strategist, the answer is buy the most advanced aircraft so you can win in battle if that time arises - we chose the JSF. Sincerely, Lance.